29 January 2013

Teaching Experience : Day 1

source : tumblr

Salam, and halu!

Menaip untuk entry malam pula.
So, as today is my first day of teaching in a tuition.
I guess, I should share what I feel, what I've done today.
From 3pm until 9.30pm.

From what I saw, I heard :

1. Students yang datang tuition tu mostly primary students.
2. Most of them are chinese and indian.
3. They come to learn and understand.
4. Some of them are so naughty.
5. They can't stay at one place, always jalan here there.
6. The teacher was so strict yet knows how to tackle back their student after scolding them

From what I learnt, conclusions :

1. I'm not a strict person, I must learn how to be.
2. My voice are too soft yet I can't talk loudly. Means I need to approach them face-to-face.
3. Always get ready dengan bahan-bahan untuk mengajar before ajar.
4. Make sure you know, before you tell.
5. Be VERY-EXTRA patience with them.
6. Need to polish my primary and secondary school knowledge.
7. Teaching in a tuition is not the same as school.
8. I need to know all subject, NOT one.
9. Try hard to give them the best knowledge.
10. Usaha, doa, tawakal.
11. Ikhlas mengajar dengan niat kerana Allah SWT. ;)

Okay, that's it for day 1.
Stay tuned for more. 
Oh yes! Feel free to share your experience, TQ!
Peace yaww! Hikss ;P

p/s : tired but I think I must ignore my tiredness and try to understand this job. :)


miss A said...

hope you can improve yourself....good luck teacher..hehehe

ezy.fia said...

lamenyeeeeeee menghilang dr dunia blog..