27 February 2013

[Review] : Reward For Me

Assalamualaikum! Hye kawan-kawan. How are you? Good? Alhamdulillah. So today, I would like to share with you guys some of product that I use, and I really love it! Dua je pun.

Both of the product are from Sophie Paris Malaysia. I think most people dah tahu pasal Sophie Paris ni. So including me, I'm just suka-suka nak cuba pakai produk dorang. And it is so nice.

First product is the Body Butter. I choose the strawberry one. Rasa nak makan cium bau dia. Gosssh. Very like it. Memang sangat lembap. Wangi. Bau dia tahan lama. Like today, I wear it at 9.30 am, and now dah pukul 1.45pm. Still, bau dia wangi lagi.

This is how it looks like..

The price is only RM12.50 (Semenanjung). If jadi ahli, dapat murah lagi! :D

The second product is Lipstick. Tak ingat nama dia apa. But memang wangi, lembut je. I bought the satin lipstick. But unfortunately my lips is not so suitable. Need to take care of my lips first then I can wear it again. I'd wear it more than once. Tapi untuk mencapai kepuasan bila pakai, I leave it first. :) But memang smooth. Love it!

Luar dia simple. Dalam dia, awesome! If you wanna buy this, just roger2 me okay! :) For more product list, feel free to visit Sophie Paris Malaysia. :)

p/s : waitinggggggg. zzzzzzz T____T


puan syu said...

tak pernah try any product ni lagi..ok ke?

syufaa said...

norsyuhada : setakat ni okay :) xde pape lg la. hehe.

ezy.fia said...

alamak.. makin membuak buka pulak nafsu shopping kite.. haha..
xleh tgk brng best2 msti gatai tgn nk beli..
cane nk jimat2.. huhu